Catatan Kang Alih-bahasa untuk project "Tearmoon Empire Story"

Catatan dari peng-alih-bahasa

Proyek alih bahasa seri web "Tearmoon Empire Story" itu tuh proyek utama di blog ini (disamping Fixed Damage English)
> Ane tuh pengen bertotalitas nggarap ini seri, pengen keliatan se-PRO mungkin gituh. Jadi ini seri bakalan ane lokalisasi se maksimal? wajar? emm... pokoknya se-keliatan pas mungkin lah... hehehe... jadi enggak bakalan ada semacem honorifik -sama, -san, -dono, -chan, dll. (niru gaya jln-kleb jirrr XP)
> Yang chapter-chapter sebelumnya keknya masih ada beberapa inkonsistensi, jadi ane coba dikonsistensi biar seragam. (kalo mau bantu nemuin beberapa inkonsistensi, ane bakal makasih banget... hehe)

Buat nyeragamin kedepannya:
1. Mia
> dia merujuk dirinya pake "watakushi" jadi ane putusin pake kata "diriku", kalo merujuk lawan bicara pake "dirimu"
> pembicaraan formal pake "saya - anda"

2. Anne
> ane putusin pake "aku - kamu"; kalo sama mia, bangsawan, formal pake "saya - anda"
> awalnya dia merujuk Mia pake "hime denka, denka" yang artinya "Yang mulia tuan putri, yang mulia (Her/your highness princess, Her/your highness)"; tapi terus Mia suruh panggil dia pake nama, jadi dia ngerujuknya jadi "Mia-sama", ane disini pake "Putri Mia", kalo pake "Nona Mia, Tuan Mia" kurang sreg kan..."
> di benak pake "aku - kamu" tapi khusus ke Mia pake "saya - beliau"

3. Lain-lain
> "Ore, watashi, atashi, boku, uchi, dll" tetep di "aku - kamu"
> Formal, penghormatan, dll. pake "saya - anda - beliau"
> kalo ada "watakushi" lain selain Mia, ane cari dulu selain "diriku-dirimu" ato "aku-kamu" 😅
> tergantung romajinya gimana ane ngerasa pas baca (di gogel trenslet, ane ga bisa basa jepun, cuma modan gtl-dipL-romaji-ndes, pengalaman denger pelafalan anim+subtitel doang wkwkwk), gaya bahasa bisa ke formal/bakalan lebih sante apa nge-slenge'an (ini tentang kebangsawanan, ya keknya ga bakal ada ke-slenge'an-nya mungkin)

Updatenya masih muud-muudd-an anjirrrr.... 😅😂😂

~"(This is a Translation Content of so, read only on my site)"~

[Yah, dah gini ajah... wkwkwk]

Terima kasih telah membaca disini

Terima Kasih Telah Singgah!


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At a certain time, there are creatures that walk by two feet. These creatures can be divided into two by gender. These creatures are surprisingly able to pick something using things called hands.
And on a certain day, two of these creatures meet.

"Halloo~ I am Bujangga, ndesu! Nice to meet you!"
"Y, yes. Nice to meet you too, I am Fuurawan."
"Fuurawan-chan ka? Ii no namae."
"S, sangkyu."

The two greet each other due of their faces are facing each other.
They speak, breathe, blink, sweat, and so.
And after a long time passes,

"Kyaa~ Bujang-kyun."
"Daijoubu ka? Fuurawan-chan."
"D, daijoubu... desu."
"Doushita no?"
"Fuurawan-chan no kaori, suuuuggoku WANGY, hmmmmmppppsshhh ahhhh wangyyyy."
"Mou~ Bujang-kyun no eccchi~."

On a certain day, these two meet and have lunch because they are hungry.
The boy orders fried rice while the girl orders a serve of seasoned rice being processed by frying.
For the drinks, the boy orders hot chocolate while the girl orders a cup of chocolate that has not been cold yet.
They eat their food.
They also feed some spoons with each other.
They then having a leisure exchange.

"Ikeh, yaru?"
"Ikeh, tanoshii, kimochii, ore, ganbarimasu!!!"
"Dame ka?"
"Dame nanoka."
"Ee, haayaakuuu~"

The two of them are having exercise, training, and workout, then.
When they finished, then they restarted.
And when they finished, the boy pleaded for the second.
Then when they finished, this time in the girl who asked the third.
And when they finished, the boy once again pleaded for the fourth.
Then when they finished, the girl also once again asked for the fifth.
And so on.


On the other occasion,
On a day that is not a night.
That day the sun is shining brightly because it's a day and 12:00 o'clock.
The day is bright and the sun has not been set yet.
The breeze can be felt due to the air is flowing.
As he is breathing, a certain boy is approaching a girl.

"Yaa, kitten-chan, can I have your namae?"
"S, su, suteki~. Ah, hai. Fuurawan desu."
"Fuurawan-chan, huh. What a kirei no namae. By the way, watashi no namae is Badz Zheengan. Watashi wa Son of a Beach. Watashi came from The Pangea Selatan. Diligent in setsuyaku. Ketsueki type is I, I for Ikkehmen. Watashi no hobby wa breathing. Yoroshiku."
"Yoroshiku, Badz Zheengan-san."
"Fuurawan-chan, watashi no yubi to kimi no chawan, let's have made karera meet and unite."
"Watashi-tachi will have much tanoshi."

They have a wik wok awok koakoawaok akoawoakakwa kawkaowaoaok.
When they have done of their a wik wok awok koakoawaok akoawoakakwa kawkaowaoaok, then they re-doing again.
When they finished again, the boy pleaded for the second.
Then when they finished, this time in the girl who asked the third.
And when they finished, the boy once again pleaded for the fourth.
Then when they finished, the girl also once again asked for the fifth.
And so on.


"Fuurawan-chaaannn!!! Ikanaide!!!!."
"Gomen ne, Bujang-kun."
"Dameee, Fuurawan-chaannnn!!!"
"Sayonara, Bujang-kun."